Get Best Result for your examination
Intensive private class. 1 student 1 super reliable tutor

We feel you ...
It is hard to find someone you can rely on
Exam is hard. Exam is exhausting. Experienced professional could lift your burden. We help you through toughest time

Worry free tutoring experience from mobile or desktop application.

Yes, we understood. Student life is busy. Get your tutoring in the best time possible.

5++ years experience could guide you through this tough time

Routine and measurable practice. Bringing you closer to your target marks

Short or longer term. Chose your tutoring based on your preference.

Strengthen your strength. Covering your weakness point with integrated tutoring
SALMAN. Your best learning Partner
Established since 2014, we have guided hundreds of students reach their dream in most admired universities. Now, collaborating with the best curated professional , we help you reach the star on the Cambridge International Examination


Since 2014 we guiding student reach their dream in education by collaborative approach with best professional in the program

We connect you with the best ecosystem suited with your learning style and preference

With intensive class 1-3 persons, we deliver better focus and comfort learning atmosphere

Module, exam, test, talent, assessment, try out, etc. We provide what you need to be there.
Subject Covered
Accounting, Bahasa Indonesia, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Economics, English as a Second Language, Geography, History, Indonesian - Foreign Language, ICT, Japanese Foreign Language, All Mathematics, Physics
Accounting, Bahasa Indonesia, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, English as a Second Language, Geography, History, Indonesian - Foreign Language, ICT, Japanese Foreign Language, All Mathematics, Physics, Sociology,
Choose your bEST tutoring package
You may choose between 10, 40 and 100 learning session. Every session is 90 minutes long.
The focus of the program is to help you being able to answer the variety of questions in the examination. So not only practicing , you will also explore deeply the material according to the subject choosen.
Invite your friends for more affordable tutoring costs. The maximum participant in class is 3 people. In that case, the cost is divided by 3. Everyone’s happy
Just In Case You Still Hesitate...

so the longer you procrastinate, the harder it will be for you to catch up
You have spent a lot of time at school , don't you want to close it with the best possible score in your examination ?
What if we no longer accept new participants because the schedule is full?
Frequently Ask Questions
Salman is a non-formal education institution focused on intensive class consist of 1-3 participant. Our main program focuses students to achieve their dreams to study at the admired campus.
We collaborate with the best curated professionals to the program, in this case the Cambridge International Examination
Tutoring time takes place on the agreement of the tutor and you as students
Fill in the registration form found here or contact us via WA at 0856 8598 823. Classes will start within 4-5 working days after the first payment is received
We do not and have never claimed to be affiliated with ITB, Yayasan Masjid Salman, or others. SALMAN was established in 2014 in Depok and now headquartered in Bandung